Photo de Informant (Argentum)

Informant (Argentum)

Objets en vente

Nom Type Durée Confiance Prix
Where's Falala's Son? Informations 4000 G
The Basics of Battle Informations 500 G
Blade Combat Informations 600 G
Careful When Exploring Informations 700 G
Blade Affinity Informations 800 G
Inns Informations 300 G
Stench Informations 900 G
Back Attack Informations 800 G
Taunt Informations 1000 G
Salvaging Wisdom 1 Informations 500 G
Salvaging Wisdom 2 Informations 600 G
Greedy Monster Informations 10000 G
Core Crystal Hunters Informations 3000 G
Blades and Ideas Informations 1100 G